Matariki Reflection

Hey guys! Today we had Matariki and we always celebrate Matariki by doing this survey. And  it basically tells you  about these activities and stuff but you only get into one of them. You pick 3 choices and the teacher picks 1 for you.I picked 3 choices and I got put into cooking and in cooking me and my cooking class was like the master chief.Master chief is that person who is in a movie who gives people mystery surprises and they have to make something with it. 

So me and my friends picked a bag and we sort of got a good thing but didn’t know what to do  with it. Until I came up with this idea.So we had apple,banana and kiwi fruit, plus gummies and these chocolate fishes.I came with the idea of making like tug hulu or fruit kebabs dipped with chocolate or nutella we had this miraculous plan but ended up doing it different like the plan was like.

Fruit kebabs melted with gummies 20 mins

            Sticks, Nutella, Gummies, Choco Fishes

  1. Melt a bowl of Gummies in a microwave for 15 or 30 seconds. (repeat)
  2. Put individual fruits in a stick as a fruit kebab!
  3. Dip the fruit kebab in nutella, make sure that the fruits don’t fall into it.
  4. As soon as the bowl of gummies are FULLY MELTED and of course cooled down, let it drip onto the fruit kebab.
  5. As for the chocolate fishes, cut it in half, put the head on the top of the stick and the tail at the bottom of the stick. Grab another chocolate fish, but cut the middle part of it and put it in the middle of the stick. If there are any leftovers, don’t be wasteful and just eat it.

Me and my friends did it exactly but without the melted gummies, I really liked the idea of putting the chocolate body on it like the tail at the bottom and the middle part in the middle while the head is all the way up top.We got named a group after the maori stars like waiti,waita, waipurangi like the stars name we even had to research  it and present it to our class telling them what’s it about and what you can cook with it.Since it’s a cooking class you have to tell them what you can make and stuff like eat it with curry( A weird combined nation). 




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