Month: June 2024

The Matariki Story – Week 8 Term 2

Hey guys! Its Bonnie and Im going to be telling you about what I learnt about Matariki this pass week I’d say its been fun learning about this and that.We had to watch a video about the stars and Matariki , matariki is the oldest sibling I think I mean she is the one who keeps them in order and stuff. I made a poster about Waipuna -a – rangi  and she is a star that has a gift that is to control the sky, air and the rain that comes down since its part of the sky right. The other 5 stars are things you can learn from google like, Waiti is like a star that looks after the fresh water, rivers, stream. She even looks after the sea creatures, She also has a twin named Waita she is a star that looks after the ocean to make the world a better place in the furture every star is there to help and create and share.


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Matariki Reflection

Hey guys! Today we had Matariki and we always celebrate Matariki by doing this survey. And  it basically tells you  about these activities and stuff but you only get into one of them. You pick 3 choices and the teacher picks 1 for you.I picked 3 choices and I got put into cooking and in cooking me and my cooking class was like the master chief.Master chief is that person who is in a movie who gives people mystery surprises and they have to make something with it. 

So me and my friends picked a bag and we sort of got a good thing but didn’t know what to do  with it. Until I came up with this idea.So we had apple,banana and kiwi fruit, plus gummies and these chocolate fishes.I came with the idea of making like tug hulu or fruit kebabs dipped with chocolate or nutella we had this miraculous plan but ended up doing it different like the plan was like.

Fruit kebabs melted with gummies 20 mins

            Sticks, Nutella, Gummies, Choco Fishes

  1. Melt a bowl of Gummies in a microwave for 15 or 30 seconds. (repeat)
  2. Put individual fruits in a stick as a fruit kebab!
  3. Dip the fruit kebab in nutella, make sure that the fruits don’t fall into it.
  4. As soon as the bowl of gummies are FULLY MELTED and of course cooled down, let it drip onto the fruit kebab.
  5. As for the chocolate fishes, cut it in half, put the head on the top of the stick and the tail at the bottom of the stick. Grab another chocolate fish, but cut the middle part of it and put it in the middle of the stick. If there are any leftovers, don’t be wasteful and just eat it.

Me and my friends did it exactly but without the melted gummies, I really liked the idea of putting the chocolate body on it like the tail at the bottom and the middle part in the middle while the head is all the way up top.We got named a group after the maori stars like waiti,waita, waipurangi like the stars name we even had to research  it and present it to our class telling them what’s it about and what you can cook with it.Since it’s a cooking class you have to tell them what you can make and stuff like eat it with curry( A weird combined nation). 




Inquiry Play – Equal Rights


Hey guys! My name is Bonnie and  its term 2 which means we got a new theme our new theme is ,  team 5 had got putted into a drama group some of the yrs 8 got moved into different class room some would be yrs 8s and some would be 7s.And we had gotten a play, you could either create your own or do it by play.


Luckily we got a very special and smart person I mean we’re all smart but she created it.She created that relates to the whole of team 5 in team 5 we usually have drama so she created a play that we could act out.In team 5 it usually starts by names and talking about 1 another.And she created a play with boys bullying her while shes talking to her friends.And then this one boy throws a paper at her.And she say’’ YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE ALEX!’’ Then they back and forth arguing.


The Betty another character says “‘PAPER FIGHT!’’Then they start fighting while the teacher walks in, that’s Riley and says ‘’What’s going  on here’’ and us characters explain what was going on.She started explaining about what they could do in college relating to the argument they had just had.She also growls at them saying they will now be cleaning the classroom for 10 weeks and they all argue once again.Until she say I’m taking James to the bakery with me.

We then say our play is done. 


I actually feel like we did a good job, even though some of us forgot to bring some props we still did it with confidence.Some of us may have forgotten our lines but we improved it to make it better.We speaked with loud voices and with facial expressions.



Today we had to read about this little boy and and his younger sister, That didn’t like porridge But there mum says to eat mit because they were going into winter.And had to have a warm stomach to walk to school in the winter.But the little sister didn’t really like Porridge but had no choice feeling her mums aura.Making her having to force herself to eat it.But soon gave up and her mum was yelling at her.


This week had to read and write about these small little paragraphs that were set by our literacy teacher.It had question like ”where did she want to go’? , ”And who is this?” I hope you read through my slides and leave a comment and also Tell me if I did anything wrong.

Birthday invitation Task

Hi guys! Today we are looking at kings Charles  birthday that was celebrated  in NZ in form of a public holiday.We celebrate this because we are part of the commonwealth (The Commonwealth is an international organisation of 54 countries that work together to promote democracy, human rights and development.) I got this information from a trusty website google who is always there to help you in many different ways.I also think it is a good idea to celebrate the kings birthday not only tp get  a day off but to show appreciation  and honour-ship towards him as he has helped us in ways we don’t know.


I hope you guys come to my birthday.Im not really 21 yrs old.This is a mana ako activity and  it not for fun it’s for learning what and why do we celebrate kings Charles birthday.