Year: 2022

2022 Reflection

The reason I picked MOTAT was because there was a lot of old stuff that people used to use in the olden days.

2. When it was Martariki  some people would pick there activities  to do. I chose Art and I ended up going to that class to do some arts. We made stars for Matariki and at night at GI there was some big as fire works in the sky.

3. When we went to camp I felt like it would be fun but on the first day I didn’t like it because it was tiring and it was also slippery because it had rained and I fell on my butt 3 times .I ended up having the best time of my life.

Reading support was a fun thing to go to the tutors would always listen to me read my book.After I read my boos I’d get a sticker for doing a great job.

I liked Polynesian Language weeks because I ‘d get to learn about all the other cultures that I don’t even relate too.I also got to perform for Niuean language week.